Today, and even more so since Covid-19 and its repeated confinements, companies are forcefully turning to digital solutions to extend their services and offer a quality experience to their customers.
Consumers’ habits have evolved as well as their expectations. They are increasingly using digital tools to find out about a product or a service, to buy it, to compare offers and to find out more about the company or the brand that offers it.
But what interests them even more than the product itself is the experience around the act of purchase, whether it is digital or not. Let’s take a look at the company Alan, which is shaking up the insurance codes by making the act of subscribing to and monitoring one’s health coverage almost pleasant! The company has understood that in order to gain market share, the user experience must be clear, fun and of course provide a quality service.
Presentation of Alan Insurance on their website
The digital strategy gathers all the actions deployed by a company to reach its target audience. To do so, it uses communication and marketing tools generally related to the web and new technologies. Some examples :
The objective of a digital strategy differs from one company to another. It can be:
The persona in marketing is the detailed profile of your target customer. There can be many, but it is generally recommended to define the 3 or 4 most important profiles. They should, by themselves, represent more than 90% of your generated revenue.
This is the first step to make your digital project a success.
Before you even think about your product, its price, your website or anything else, you need to know who you want to sell it to. Who is the person you want to sell to? What are their needs? Their fears? What are their obstacles? And so on.
Studying your Persona will give you the key information to design a well-targeted digital strategy that will bear fruit.
Example of a Persona form. – Source :
Once the profile of your customers is defined, you must set precise objectives. To do this, we recommend that you use the SMART method: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.
These objectives represent the ambitions and expectations of your company regarding your turnover, your notoriety, your brand image, etc. These are measurable criteria that must always be thought of for your ideal clientele defined above.
Studying your customers’ journey when they interact with your products/services will allow you to better understand them and their expectations.
Use marketing tools to analyze your customers’ behavior at every stage, from the first contact to the last. For example: the bounce rate on your website, the topics that work best on your social networks, your most visited site pages, the number of appointments made with a sales page, etc.
This way, you can create a digital customer journey that is designed specifically for your customers and that meets their exact expectations. This journey should detail all the steps your customer should go through and how your company should respond to their interactions.
Finally, it is also important to quantify each step of your journey. This will allow you to deepen your analysis, to evolve the digital experience of your product/service and also to prioritize your tasks and see your progress.
E-reputation is your digital identity, the results your customers will find when they search for your company/brand name or product/service on the Internet.
The consumer’s first reflex today, before buying a product, is to search for it on search engines or social networks.
In this case, three scenarios are possible:
1 – You do not exist on the web, so he will look for your competitors.
2 – He finds your brand, but your reputation is bad and that drives him away.
3 – He finds your business, likes your content, follows you on the networks and becomes a customer afterwards.
The objective is of course to aim for the third scenario and for that you will need to work on your communication on social networks, build an attractive and efficient website, and pay attention to the reviews left by your customers.
Example: the merchant site Lima Empanadas available on all screen sizes.
By basing your strategies on customer experience, you understand that you have an obligation to make it easy for your customers to navigate whatever tool they are using: a computer screen, a tablet or a mobile.
57% of consumers say they would not recommend a company with a poorly designed website. We therefore advise you to pay attention to the architecture of your website, that it is adaptable not only to different browsers, but also to different platforms and screen sizes. It must be ergonomic, fluid and easy to navigate.
This will also play an important role in your referencing, since search engines, particularly appreciate sites adapted to all screens (responsive). With a non-responsive site it will be complicated to be well referenced and well ranked in the search results.
A good study of your Personas, allows you to know more about your customers. Understanding their needs, their habits, their desires… will allow you to design personalized digital tools. All the data collected on your users will allow this personalization.
For example, in the context of an online grocery store, you could automatically generate a newsletter to women over 35 interested in tea/tea related products, with content listing the latest arrivals. Or you could automatically generate a coupon for your customers’ birthday.
A customer who receives a personalized product or service feels privileged and will become more attached to your brand.
Today, many consumers appreciate the autonomy provided by web tools and prefer to find information by themselves without having to go through a customer service. This avoids long waiting times and allows to cross-reference information for more reliability.
It is also a good opportunity for companies, as it allows them to reduce the cost of their customer support and saves them time that they can spend on other issues.
To make this possible, you need to provide your customers with all the information they will need across all the marketing channels you use.